

Same great hotels, amazing discounts, modern tech for the modern explorer.

Explore popular destinations

Same great hotels, amazing discounts, modern tech for the modern explorer.

Playa Del Carmen

Playa Del Carmen





New York City

New York City

Los Angeles

Los Angeles



Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic







Las Vegas

Las Vegas



Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo





Rio De Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro

















Hong Kong

Hong Kong









A travel search and booking experience in the palm of your hand.

BryteLyfe keeps your journey seamless, ensuring your travel planning and booking experience is on-point, on-budget, and on-schedule. Innovative features make navigating and securing your trips feel effortless.

Discover the world with ease

Seamlessly connect with top travel resources.
Integrated to the best hotels in the world!
Share adventures and insights.
Reliable and enjoyable.


1,000,000+ properties

Choose from a massive selection of properties for an unmatched experience

Discover the possibilities

Search through 5 million hotels in just a few seconds.

Enjoy deals

Great hotels. Great prices. Great discounts.

Easy Bookings

Search Select and Book your stays with ease

Travel you can trust

Read reviews & get reliable customer support.

Trusted modern booking engine

Rely on our booking technology to unlock exceptional discounts on incredible properties.

Travel Lyfe

Get up to 65% off retail at over 1 million Hotels, Resorts, Rental Cars, Cruises, Villas, Vacation Homes and much more! You can have access to it all literally at your fingertips through our revolutionary mobile app. Our powerful AI search tool will help you plan a trip of a lifetime, every time!

The best part of Travel Lyfe is our Bucket Lyst trips. BryteLyfe is the only company that will cross your Bucket Lyst destinations off just for being a member. You give us your Bucket Lyst destinations and we will cross one off every year by giving you a 5 STAR 4 day/3 night hotel stay for two people!

Did we mention you can EARN free travel? When you travel and share your travel content, by attracting new members not only that you have the opportunity to get paid by tapping into the BryteLyfe’s revenue sharing pool, but you can also earn free travel!

Live Lyfe

To Travel is to Live. Traveling is not just about reaching a destination but embarking on a journey to self-discovery, connection and enrichment that impacts our lives in countless ways. When we travel, we feel truly alive!

We want you to give you all the tools you need to create a life of freedom and adventure, to make memories that will last a lifetime and embrace life to the fullest!

In addition, you’ll get exclusive access to Lifestyle Events & Entertainment around the world, that allow you to have “bucket lyst” type experiences such as music festivals, concerts, luxury car rentals, private yachts, private jets, and more to live your best Lyfe!

Give Lyfe

Giving is the heartbeat of a fulfilling life, a ripple that extends far beyond the act itself. We give you an opportunity to contribute to society through our Voluntourism Trips and Local Community Outreach events. Engaging in voluntourism allows you to make a direct and meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Also, as a way to give more people access to the Lyfe they dream about, every month we will choose someone to go on their Bucket Lyst trip of their dreams. As a member, you can nominate someone who deserves to have their Bucket Lyst come true!

Well Lyfe

We want you to thrive in every aspect of your life. Our health & wellness retreats were designed to help you relax, rejuvenate and cultivate positive habits to take your physical and mental health to the next level.

We also offer best-in-class Mentorship & Personal Development LIVE Events around the world! These are fun, engaging and unforgettable experiences that you’ll want to come back to every time.

In addition to the LIVE Events, we’ve integrated our Personal Development, Motivational, Mental Health and Physical Fitness video content into our app so that you can access it from the comfort of your own home or a hotel room.

Feels great in low-light environments.

It works great with Dark Mode with endless experience in low-light environments.

Browse a global database of properties and build your favorites list before you doze off to sleep... It's like Dream Fuel!


Don't just dream, build! Curate your BucketLyst Trips so we know where to send you next! Cross them off your Lyst!


Ready to go! Just find the perfect destination and with just a few taps, you are well on your way to an amazing adventure.


BryteLyfe offers its members not just an experience but the path to experiences once thought were out of reach!


Exclusive benefits for Brytlyfe Members

Same great hotels, amazing discounts, modern tech for the modern explorer.

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The Man Behind The Brand!

Wes Melcher

Wes Melcher has been an entrepreneur from early childhood, starting three businesses before graduating high school and over a half a dozen since then. Wes has consulted for both start-up, and established companies domestically and internationally. He has trained and coached in excess of one million people across the world over the last 25 years in sales, business, marketing, branding, and recruiting.

Wes co-founded a travel company in 2005 that became one of the largest companies in the history of the Direct Sales Industry. That company was became the largest Travel Club in the World, and did over 4 billion in revenue with almost 1,000 employees and over 3 million customers in 30+ countries. Wes is a sought-after social media influencer, speaker and trainer in Direct Sales, Network Marketing, Real Estate, and Business. His first book “NetEASY Marketing” was released in 2012 and hit Number One on the Amazon Best Seller List in multiple categories.

Our quality through customer words


Hardy Crystal

I first met Wes Melcher in Nashville at a small event with WV and I immediately gained full respect and admiration for him. He has a presence about him when he walks in the room. His knowledge and experience for success is remarkable! He explains things in such a way that everyone can understand and grasp. He genuinely seems to have a passion for family, especially his daughter and a relationship with Christ. Which in today's world speaks volumes when you're in need of a mentor.


Megs Gillin-Marsh

Worked along side Wes since 2012. He has the most integrity I have seen in the direct marketing world. He truly always fights for what's right. He loves what he does with true passion and you can always trust him to be open and transparent. I am beyond excited to see what he does next. Travel is something that runs in his blood and he never cuts corners. So proud he is my friend.


Jeremy FiYa Diaz

You're like a mad scientist when it comes to how you dissect the information in a way that could be understood so simply. Appreciated your leadership in Wv and everything that you did to add value to us. Youre one of one for sure.


Steven Greer

To say that Wes MAKES it happen is a MASSIVE understatement y'all. I met him way back in the GTT days and have been following him ever since. I remember 2005 like it was a couple years back and let me tell you, Wes is a machine! We went to the launch of WV in Vegas and was completely impressed with his drive and ethics. Mind you, there was no FB, IG, or TT yet, so he lived out of a suitcase for YEARS pounding the pavement!! He opened markets in at least 45 states and almost 40 countries. Wes led countless Travel parties, Travel lunches, Travel dinners, Super Saturdays, Regional Training events and National conventions from the VERY beginning y'all. This man has built teams in the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people in record time! A top earner in the industry for DECADES, Author, Global Trainer, Mentor and TRAVEL GURU, Wes continues to blaze his own path for the world to see. I am BEYOND grateful for the opportunity to CONTINUE to learn from this man of utmost integrity. Can't even wait to see what the future holds for our industry and I know, UNEQUIVOCALLY, that you will absolutely crush it bro!! CONGRATS!! 🙌🌍✈️🌴💰


Yesenia Escobedo

As a young entrepreneur Wes traveled from Dallas to Laredo, an 8 hour drive to observe my prospect meetings, give me pointers and show us he believed in our new sales team. Later on I went on to shadow him while he built a traditional company, where he graciously welcomed me in Dallas. There’s something POWERFUL about having someone with #integrity —who is willing share wisdom to help you grow. I’ve had shady people come into my life to rattle me up, and Wes has always been an excellent voice of reason.Wes’s wisdom, and outlook on integrity is something I have taken with me and applied in everything that I’ve done.Last year I closed my first multimillion dollar contract, with a commission on the total sum.Who you allow to be led by, who you hang out it, is SO SO IMPORTANT.


Toby Lemley

Last night was so much fun. I never miss a meeting when a big shot in town. Being a student and learning from a guy that makes a million a year is where I get a chance to improve my skills my jokes my level of belief so I can do the same. This business is simply about paying it forward. You can't take nobody some place you ain't never been! Tomorrow I'm driving to Jackson Tn to learn more and next weekend I'll be at the Super Saturday here with 3 other IMDs to learn from. You see I want what they got so I'm going to do what they do. Let's get it


Will MacLafferty

He's a great leader. Always someone who I have looked up to and he’s helped me so much along my way.


Dennis Malamphy

You’ve always pushed myself and others to move forward and focus on the positive. 👍


Gregory David

I've always admired your passion and determination to achieve your goals. Thanks for leading me down the path of my journey.


Susan Basilico Child

Your passion for travel & helping others be successful inspires me! I also appreciated your no nonsense-tell it straight up -everytime you’re training!


Ken Head

I have known Wes for almost 30 years. Invested with him, worked with him. What an amazing entreprenuer with a drive for success. He always strives to be the best at anything he hets involved with. He is honest and can get things done.


Danyelle Cedar

This world needs more leaders like you- always leading with INTEGRITY we all appreciate the transparency.


Available Now!

Same great hotels, amazing discounts, modern tech for the modern explorer.

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